Custom Built Market Analysis & Market Research

Let our professionals do the market research for you

Level 2 Market Research: For Companies with Local Sales or Limited Online Sales

The backbone of your custom business plan is the market analysis and research. It is used to aid in decision-making, as an invaluable tool used by businesses to support financial projections and to gain a deeper understanding of your industry. Butler Consultants has extensive experience analyzing and then incorporating market research reports into the business plan. A custom-written Business Plan by Butler Consultants includes pertinent market research applicable for companies – whether on the local level or nationwide.

Your market research generally includes the following:

Custom market summary: A custom-built summary that is unique to your business and its needs is written by our market-research experts. The data and narrative are always catered specifically to support your business objectives. The market summary is generated from IBISWorld, Dun & Bradstreet, ESRI and other leading, trusted sources.

Demographics: The latest U.S. Census Bureau charts are pulled to show the population, number of households and families, median age, household income, age, and race, etc., for your geographic target market.

Industry analysis: Census data for your SPECIFIC INDUSTRY includes graphs of sales per capita and sales per employee. The sales-per-capita graph shows states that have a high concentration of sales for your industry, for example, and the sales-per-employee graph shows states that have high sales per employee.

Breakdown on your industry nationwide, statewide, and citywide (for larger metros): This includes more specific data on your industry’s North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code and your operating zip code. The information is displayed in colorful charts and maps and shows: the number of establishments; total sales; annual payroll; number of employees; sales per establishment; payroll per establishment; employees per establishment; payroll as a percentage of sales; annual payroll per employee; and sales per employee.

Level 3 Market Research: For Companies with Nationwide Sales, Multiple Locations, or Large-Scale Regional Operations

Our Level 3 Market Analysis is great for companies that sell nationwide or worldwide, have a large regional presence, or multiple locations. This is our most in-depth market data and analysis.

Your market research generally includes the following:
Custom market summery section: A thorough investigation of your specific market – its performance in the past and projections for the future – is outlined, along with key market trends and macro-economic factors. That data is always unique and custom-built for your business and your needs. Our market research experts will find the best data to support your business.

In addition to trusted sources such as IBISWorld, Dun & Bradstreet, and ESRI, research is integrated with reports from the numerous other sources available, including from single-industry specialized analysts (Marcus & Millichap, Dodge Data, etc.), broader research firms (Forester Research, IDC, Frost & Sullivan, etc.) and large global consulting firms (Deloitte, PricewaterhouseCoopers, etc.).

Market Demographics (where applicable): This info includes school enrollment, education attainment, marital status, region of birth, language spoken, employment status, how they commute to work, occupation, workforce by industry, and class of worker, etc.

Breakdown on sales volume and number of employees for competitors in your industry: A graph is included to show where the majority of companies operate, revenue averages, and number of employees for similar businesses.

Industry analysis: Census data for your SPECIFIC INDUSTRY includes graphs of sales per capita and sales per employee. The sales-per-capita graph shows states that have a high concentration of sales for your industry, for example, and the sales-per-employee graph shows states that have high sales per employee.

Breakdown on your industry nationwide, statewide, and citywide (for larger metros): This includes more specific data on your industry’s North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code and your operating zip code. The information is displayed in colorful charts and maps and shows: the number of establishments; total sales; annual payroll; number of employees; sales per establishment; payroll per establishment; employees per establishment; payroll as a percentage of sales; annual payroll per employee; and sales per employee. We will consult you on what NAICS code is right for you. You can search through NAICS codes by clicking here.

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