Level 1 Financial Statements Template
The Level 1 financial statements can be downloaded for $49. This page shows the 5 different tabs on the Excel spreadsheet. Each of the 5 tabs are shown below as a web page link. Click on the ‘Input’, “Income Statement’, ‘Cash Flow’, ‘Balance Sheet’, and ‘Loan Amortization’ links below to see how the spreadsheet works. All numbers are locked online but will be easy to change once downloaded into Excel.
The financial statement template tool can be purchased and downloaded in Microsoft Excel for only $49. Please follow the link below to download this tool. Following your payment, you will be redirected to the download page.
Input - Location on the spreadsheet where all inputs are made. All areas in gray can be changed by the user to create the other 4 tables. Changing numbers here will create your financial model. 5 different revenue lines, 15 expense lines, loan amount, interest, depreciation, and long-term assets can be changed and created.
Income Statement - Tab on the spreadsheet that includes revenue, expenses, and earnings. This tab is completely automated by the input tab.
Cash Flow - Tab on the spreadsheet that includes operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities. This tab is completely automated by the input tab.
Balance Sheet - Tab on the spreadsheet that includes assets, liabilities, and shareholders' equity. This tab is completely automated by the input tab.
Loan Amortization - Tab on the spreadsheet that breaks down the loan repayment schedule. This tab is completely automated by the input tab.